Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Post 2008.

It's exactly 5.52pm on the 31st of Dec.2008, and I'm preparing myself mentally, emotionally, and physically for the challenges of the New Year. It's been a strange year for me, uneventful periods of relaxing downtime, interspersed with manic creative periods of revolutionary art action. As the Creativity Manifesto was first concieved in 1999 this coming year will be our ten year anniversary, and as an creative organisation we are now a young ten year old child just learning to become more independent and imaginative within the world. In the domain of Creativity Theory there is a concept called the "TEN YEAR RULE" that states that after around ten years of work amnd focus in any particular area the best ideas and creative talents reach thier optimum potential; And as 2009 is the ten year anniversary of The conception of The Creativity Manifesto, I guess this theory will be put to the test.

We have very fluid creative strategy for 2009 which may shock quite few people, others may laugh, and still some will scratch their heads in confusion, but when it finally comes into being, those who are open minded and flexible enough in terms of their own creative paths through life, those who understand that personal freedom and self-expression is infinitely more valuable than career success, money, or social status; they will understand and relate to such a bold revolutionary move in the process of creative art, and we hope they will come along and join the p-art-y.

On behalf of The Creativity Manifesto we wish all the world well.Blessings, wishes, good health,
community and creativity
to all; it's what we are.

David A. on behalf of the legendary underground aesthetic movement: The Creativity Manifesto

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