The other night (Fri)a couple of musicians came to the HQ to 'hang out'. At the weekend the progress of The Manifesto tends to wind down a bit (unless we need to use the time to work on a project!) So we let them, gave them a bowl of home-made soup and then had a chat about what unknown musicians get upto on the weekend when they are not gigging about London, or working in some decrepid backstreet studio. Apparently musicians smoke and drink tequila slammers quite often on weekends, so we put some music on the sound system and let them do thier 'thing'.
We took a couple of photos to document the evenings occurence, and then
talked a bit about the relationship between art and music, which in our experience is fraught with difficulties due to the egos of both creative camps. It is not beyond the realm of an creative art event to incorporate both camps into a successful aesthetic experience. The art is in ensuring the right practical, social, and creative conditions can occur (community & communication), within the right environment (venue/space) to allow everyone thier creative space/freedom to perform and express themselves on an equal platform of mutual respect.
In order to understand the difference between an individual focus of the creative ego and an community focused creative ego, The Creativity Manifesto recommends you consider reading a book called: Connective Aesthetics by Suzi Gablik which is in tune with our overall philsophy.