Monday, January 4, 2010

Palletto Sculpture (Circa 1999-2000)

At the turn of the Century I had a penchant for collecting discarded wooden pallets from the street, carrying them home to make scultpures.  I would them invite people around for drinks and food before conducting ceremonial cathartic burnings. Great way to end a night.

Woman Lying On Her Side (Charcoal Sketch 2000)

Unfinished Profile on Wall ( Paint, Pastel, Chalk) 1999

This was one of my first significant art expressions of creativity which was unfinished due to the fact that the landlord of the house whose conservatory wall I made this upon evicted me.  He was happy enough at first to let me express my creativity in the back yard and in the conservatory, but like a lot of people leading conventional lives, creativity and difference often unsettles their world of conformity and machine like automata. 

Embryonica: Chalk Drawing on Blackboard 60 X 45 cm ( 2006)

Chalk drawing re-photographed and hung on the wall of a gallery instead of the orginal, which gave it a strange light and curved quality, as though a large piece of paper was peeling off the wall.