Friday, September 18, 2009

Studio 7 + Creativity Theory

I am currently turning my flat into an art studio and micro-gallery.

The questions I ask myself at this time are:

Am I creating an independent-underground art gallery in opposition to the mainstream?

Is my flat becoming an art installation in itself?

If I turn my flat into a gallery, and exhibit others work in, will I become a work of living art, a human exhibit within the space?


As a self-taught creativity theorist my notion and practice of art is not focused upon making nice things to decorate hotel lobbies, restaurants, or living room walls. My "artistic" output is merely the end result of my inner creative process and largely only of significance to me in what it demonstrates about the nature of my creative unconsciousness as opposed to any perceived level of artistic skill, or lack thereof.

It is the creative process, a combination of my psychological and emotional processes in a reflexive and organic relationship with the external world of others, objects, and social processes, that ultimately determines and effects my creative process; it is my outer self-expression through the inner creative process which results in  forms and objects or outputs that in some quarters people may, or may not, refer to as art.

I am only interested in what the end creative output or object tells me about the inner creative process of the individual who produced it, and what it tells me or shows me about the inner nature of both individual and community creativity, and what Carl G. Jung refers to as the:.
collective unconscious