What tells the time? The hands, the clock, or both? If a clock is turned sideways, and the hands remain in the same position, what is the time? If the clock and the hands are both turned sideways is the clock out of coventional time, or am I just playing about with a clock in a moment in time? Where is Einstein when you need him.

If you decide to catch up with work does this mean you are attempting to catch up with time, by making up for lost time. Is time reality, or a social construction to help understand the world. How can we prove that time exists, and that we are moving through time? Each day I get a day older so therefore I am moving through some form of physical time from birth to end; this is the period of time that my life lasts.Or does it if we are all made up of atoms and particles that exist from the very moment time began, and go back into atoms and space dust. To be continued......