The Bahaus School of Art
"Schooling alone can never produce art"
Albert Camus
"The meaning, nature and history of art is directly related to the meaning, nature, and history of Society"
"Contemporary art is nihilistic"
"The Society based on production, is only productive, not creative"
"Beauty is the procedure of rebellion, it resists the real while conferring unity upon it."
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)
Concerning The Spiritual in Art:
"Art possesses a spiritual value that is part of the autonomy of art which is expressed in a naturalistic way that anyone can appreciate as a vital creative expression of his/her social and spiritual experiences"
Piet Mondrian
"Art and life are not separate domains"
Jackson Pollock (1912-1956)
"The source of my painting is the unconscious"
Mark Rothko (1930-1970)
The unfriendliness of Society to his/her activity is difficult for the artist to accept. Yet this very hostility can act as a lever for true liberation. Freed from a sense of security and community, the artist can abandon his plastic bank-book just as s/he has abandoned other forms of security. Both the sense of community, and of security depend on the familiar. Free of them, transcendental experiences become possible."
Lev Vygotsky (The Psychology of Art, 1971)
"Art is the social within us, and even if its action is performed by a single individual, it does not mean that its essence is individual"