Friday, November 18, 2011

St.Pauls and Finsbury Square "Occupy" protest

Like many others I've been visiting both protest camps whenever I've been able to over the past few weeks.  It's heartening to see all types of people come together with the single aim of instigating social change for the betterment of all rather than letting the top wealthiest 1% of the Uk (and the World) continue to manipulate the global economy to satisfy their own irresponsible greed to the detriment of the 99% of humanity. Not everyone can be there, but the protesters know that most people are there in spirit if not in being, and that the lucky ones who still have jobs, and affordable student courses to attend to have to maintain these processes of everyday living even as the capitalist economic structures, and political processes crumble and dismantle before our very eyes............most people don't like change, and we british historically, and in terms of our social nature tend to err on the side of conservatist caution; as is seen by the more vociferous protests on Wall Street in America.  But as history has shown again and again, it may take a while for the British people to shake themselves out of lethargy and our comfortable living standards of consumerist complancency, but once stirred, a most formidable collective fighting spirit can be aroused, and great combustible elemental passions previously neatly ordered and securely contained are released into an unstoppable force for the general good of humanity.........Cameron, Miliband, Bankers, Corporations, Big Business, Capitalists, Wealth Mongers, economic and social tyrants who continue to play haphazardly with the purse strings of our have been warned!

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